Can you help us raise £20,000 this Christmas so that we can continue to reach out to a community in need?

To reach out to and support some of the hardest-hit members of our community, those already disadvantaged and marginalised long before COVID-19. As we see the social and economic ramifications of the coronavirus impacting our communities, here at Crossroads we also see its toll on people’s mental and emotional health.

But we also know the difference counselling makes in people’s lives. Here is what one client recently said about their experience of counselling at Crossroads:

I just wanted to take this opportunity to say a big thank you for providing me with such wonderful support over the past two plus years, which has helped to give me strength and direction moving away from the downward path that I was beginning to tread.

In particular I am enormously grateful for the counselling provided by my counsellor who has been truly brilliant, an absolute rock. She has been sensitive and in tune with my needs, insightful and perceptive, with a head set firmly on her shoulders – always able to give me sound advice and importantly keeping me on track, which has helped me to bring about positive changes.

We are a small response to a huge need, but we are constant and committed and stand ready serve our community with love and compassion as well as professional expertise.

Our hope this Christmas and New Year is that we may make a difference to the lives of people who are hurting, who are fearful, who have experienced loss and grief, are lonely and isolated, and are struggling with the uncertainty, chaos and confusion of our national, local and individual lives and livelihoods having been turned upside down this year.

Our sincere thanks go out to all of you reading this who have supported Crossroads not just this year but for many years. For those who already know our work, and for those of you new to our work, we cannot do what we do without your help. If this year has shown us anything, it is that we need each other. Please consider helping us to help our community.

You can make a donation by pressing the donate button above. It is that simple. Each gift, large or small will collaboratively transform the lives of our clients.
Please do feel free to forward this on to your own social networks, to anyone who you think may be interested in hearing about our work. If you have any ideas about how you can help us share news of our work, please do get in touch, we would love to hear from you.

Finally, all of us here at Crossroads wish you a very merry Christmas and expectant and joyful New Year.

Thank you.